Sound Healing is an ancient practice, used for thousands of years by cultures all over the world. In our time, it continues to gain recognition for its universal appeal as an accessible and powerful energetic healing modality.

Seattle Sound Temple offers regular community Sound Ceremonies, as well as private Sound Healing sessions for individuals and pairs

Some reported benefits of sound healing include:

overall regulation and balance

general stress release and relief

chronic and acute pain relief

improved sleep and rest

enhanced creative flow

trauma release

deeper embodying of peace and balance

induction of Theta brainwave activity or deep meditation

astral or transdimensional journeying

movement of cerebrospinal fluid

space clearing

sensory and intuitive expansion

deepened insight

felt sense of higher connection

release of energetic blockages

heightened awareness and focus

multidimensional integration

chakra balancing and aligning

“Sacred Sound reconnects us to our own inner wisdom, activating our innate self-healing abilities by supporting deep relaxation and peace, vitality, trauma release, recovery, and so much more.”

Irene Ingalls

I can use words like reverent, sacred, profound, deep, powerful, liberating, healing, nourishing, etc. Yet, those words at best only point toward a process, a felt experience, that was much more dynamic. I’ve studied spirituality, psychology, energy work, etc for years, so my rational mind has lots of ways of making ‘sense’ of what I experienced, yet a deeper truth is that Irene works in a realm beyond where the rational mind dwells. It is in these realms that might be called the subtle, energetic, or spiritual that Irene is a true master, helping to guide me through a world that had been all to foreign to me. And although my rational mind doesn’t fully understand it all, there is no doubt of the beatific effects in all areas of my life. I experience myself as being more congruent (mind, body, spirit, internal/external); more self-aware; more free and alive; less tension, stress, and struggle; and a deeper inner peace.

Seth Scholfield, Corporate Consultant, Incite Partners

My first sound bath experience with Irene was incredible and the benefits are lasting and continuous. The healing sounds replicated sensations I had when I was in the vortex in Sedona, AZ. Amazing! I continue to experience STRENGTH and ENERGY in my body, a sense of clearing and FREEDOM and an awareness of the Universe assisting me in opening to myself. Irene is the BEST! Her healing energies have blessed me. Life is Good!

Susan McCormick

What an incredible experience working with Irene from Seattle Sound Temple, who performed a private sound bath ceremony in my home, starting with an energy clearing and moving on to a full hour-long sound concert for my family and our special guests. It was an extraordinary and sacred experience and we are forever changed by it. Thank you!

Kate Vrijmoet

I was skeptical about the whole sound healing thing and then I experienced a private session with Irene. Wow! Utterly relaxing and transformational! A true respite from the stresses of everyday life and a transport to the angelic realms. Skepticism cured!

Imogen Hurst


Choose to work with specific intentions, or choose an approach of general healing to bring you into a higher state of consciousness and resonance with your pure source beingness.

Sessions with Irene are 90 minutes, including a short initial intake conversation and a short integrative debrief following your time on the table.

Singing bowls are used both in the energy field and in direct contact with the physical body.

A pair session works with the relational field shared by two people. This experience is not limited to those in a romantic partnership, and is an amazing way to work with the shared field dynamics of any kind of relationship.

We invite you to dress comfortably.

Please note: Sound healing is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from a physician or health care professional.

If possible, allow yourself time and space after your session before returning to daily life activities of mental and/or physical exertion.